by Susanne | May 14, 2019 | Publishing business, Writing life
I see on quick glance that my blog is saturated with images of Listen to the Wind, my book that just came out. So I’ll give you a different image, one that feels very much the way I feel right now: as if I’m on a perpetual rollercoaster. It’s not...
by Susanne | Apr 8, 2019 | Publishing business, Writing life
What strikes me first is how much the publishing process has changed since 2012, when my last book was published. Granted, that was with a mainstream publisher (Bloomsbury USA Children’s), with all the support and systems in place an author could expect. What...
by Susanne | Mar 23, 2019 | Publishing business, Writing life
It’s all getting very real. I’ve been doing the kinds of things I probably should have done with my books published by big publishers. But who really knew then? For instance, I’ll have a blog tour for Listen to the Wind in May. Because that’s...
by Susanne | Mar 10, 2019 | Publishing business, Writing life
It occurs to me that people out there might be interested in reading about my journey as an author whose books are being published by a small press So I thought I’d give a quick run-down concerning this method of publishing—a middle ground between...
by Susanne | Jan 24, 2018 | Editing, Publishing business, Research, Soul searching, Writing life
I’ve had a remarkable week or so, the land of both truth and fiction. First, the fiction, because in many ways that’s easier and more predictable. My manuscript is going out to beta readers. Yay! Working title: The Adored. In some ways this novel has very...