by Susanne | Jan 24, 2018 | Editing, Publishing business, Research, Soul searching, Writing life
I’ve had a remarkable week or so, the land of both truth and fiction. First, the fiction, because in many ways that’s easier and more predictable. My manuscript is going out to beta readers. Yay! Working title: The Adored. In some ways this novel has very...
by Susanne | Dec 15, 2017 | Publishing business, Soul searching, Writing craft, Writing life
It’s been an interesting time for me in the world of writing and writer friends. I’m so pleased that two of my favorite authors—Kris Waldherr and Nancy Bilyeau—have sold historical novels to publishers in the last few weeks. I’m hoping this may be a...
by Susanne | Nov 17, 2017 | Editing, Publishing business, Writing craft, Writing life
I’ll be brief. Here are some really good tips about writing a novel, from a whole bunch of industry experts. Take a look!
by Susanne | Nov 10, 2017 | Editing, Writing craft, Writing life
Yes, I have done (and am doing) NaNoWriMo. So are many of my serious, well-published author friends. Why? Isn’t NaNoWriMo just a gimmick to make everyone believe they can write a novel (and there’s nothing bad about that, IMO)? That depends. On why...
by Susanne | Nov 1, 2017 | Writing craft, Writing life
I never really used to think about “process” in relation to writing. You have an idea. You research, You plan—at least a little. Then you write. Is that a process? But lately, as I’ve been swimming back into actively writing and trying to get...