Planning, Plotting & Plantsing
A group program dedicated to helping you get your book to the next stage!
This group program takes my most popular coaching package—the fiction or memoir blueprint—and makes it accessible to writers who aren’t ready for 1:1 coaching. It’s a great way to get many of the benefits of being coached as well as the camaraderie of a small, cohesive group.
And at $600 for 2 months of intensive work (compared to $1,600 to work with me individually) it’s an affordable option that can really make a difference!
What’s the Blueprint, and why will it help my book?
The Blueprint, developed by Jennie Nash of Author Accelerator, is a set of mind-bendingly provocative exercises designed to give you a mile-high view of your entire book. It takes you off the page and helps you nail down things like narrative drive, character arc, and point without getting bogged down in writing pretty words.
“Susanne’s Blueprint workshop has been invaluable to bringing my story concept to life. Each deadline challenged me to think about the ‘bigger picture’ when writing my first drafts. “
This group is for you at any stage of the process:
★ Got an idea for a novel and the characters are nipping at your thoughts? This group can help you wrangle all that into a coherent story.
★ Stuck in the middle of a messy first draft and don’t know where it’s all heading? The Blueprint is the perfect way to step back and see what you have—and what needs to come next.
★ Finished a draft and don’t know where to start tackling a big revision? The Blueprint can really help you dig through the noise and get to what matters.
The best part is that you’re working in a small group where everyone is going through the same process, and you’ll be able to share progress and ask questions in a private Slack channel.
Get the benefit of guidance and camaraderie! You pay in two installments of $300 over the two months.
What will the meetings be like?
→ First Meeting: Introduction to the Blueprint
★ We’ll get to know each other and talk about our goals for the program.
★ I’ll take you in detail through the first assignment exercises and explain what I want you to submit to me for feedback.
→Second, Third, and Fourth Meetings: review and live coaching
★ I’ll have reviewed a portion of the work you did and talk about any common challenges that emerged.
★ One or two group members will be live coached at each meeting
★ We’ll go over the assignments for the next meeting
→Final Meeting: Wrap up and next steps
★ Your chance to share your progress with everyone, including reading aloud if you’re game.
★ We’ll discuss what to do next to get your manuscript drafted, finished, or revised.